Who is Bike Centerville?

Bike Centerville is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that promotes and advocates bicycling in Centerville and Washington Township, Ohio. We feel that an active community that is safe and welcoming to bicyclists produces health benefits for cyclists as well as environmental, economic and social benefits for the community. We achieve this by:

  • Organizing and conducting bicycle events to engage and educate

  • Partnering and collaborating with local governments, businesses and organizations

  • Providing resources for citizens

Bike Centerville is a chapter of Bike Miami Valley (BMV), a nonprofit organization centered in Dayton, whose mission is to advocate, promote and create opportunities for all forms of bicycling in the Miami Valley.

BMV strives to be the hub for cycling in the entire region. Bike Centerville and BMV work together to create a mutually beneficial strategy. Together we are stronger with joint memberships and revenue sharing, helping Bike Centerville become an efficient and effective organization for all things cycling-related in our community.