Route 37

Proposed NS Marshall Atchison Route (BR-37):

This route is currently heavily used and connects Kettering,Washington Township, and Centerville, to Warren County using Marshall Ave and Atchison Rd. At Rahn Rd & Marshall, the route will most likely split East & West to meet up with existing trails in Kettering. Going East on Rahn, the route will continue to the Iron Horse trail (Regional Bikeway 9). Going West on Rahn, the route will lead to Ackerman (K5). The current road is usable as is but could use signs to remind all vehicles to “Share the Road” (OH W16-1) and that bikes may be present (OH W11-1) at major intersections.

Note: The Bike Trail adjacent to Far Hills (OH-48) does not currently get much use because it is often easier to cut through the Epiphany Church parking lot. If there are improvements to the end of the Bike Trail to make it easier to turn onto Fireside, and it was well marked, bicyclist might be more inclined to use the public right of way instead of the private church drive.